Yacht Clubs face a variety of both land-based and maritime exposures and need several different forms of insurance to be properly covered. To address these needs Anchor Marine has partnered with number of insurance companies that specialize in offering yacht club insurance packages.
Anchor Marine can assist a club in tailoring a package to meet its specific needs and shopping for the *most competitive policy. *
Below is a list of yacht club insurance coverages typically available under this package:
*Yacht Club general liability that automatically includes Club members, volunteers and directors and officers as insured’s. The club’s liability for sailing regattas, sailboat races and boating instructional programs is also included.
**Protection & Indemnity for boats owned, borrowed by, loaned to or rented by the club for use in their normal club operations. Crew coverage included.
*Marina operator’s legal liability for third party (including members) boats at the Club’s facility.
*Limited Pollution Liability for clean up expense, damage to owned property and damage to third party property.
“All risk” coverage for *property, piers, wharves, docks and miscellaneous equipment.** Replacement Cost is available.
Business income and extra expense coverage.
*Physical damage coverage for boats owned by the club. Also provides coverage for boats loaned to or borrowed by or chartered by the Club.
*Liquor Liability.
*Employee dishonesty.
Call or e-mail us for a boat club insurance quote today!
Toll Free 800-726-2728 | Local 206-273-6996 | info@anchormarinenet.com
IMPORTANT NOTE: This summary provides only a simplified description of insurance coverages in general and is not a statement of contract. For complete details of coverages, conditions, limits and losses not covered, be sure to read the actual policies, including all endorsements.